Technical documents
- Hill, A.J. (chairman and editor). Understanding and managing sound exposure and noise pollution at outdoor events. AES Technical Document AESTD1007.1.20-05. May, 2020.
PhD Thesis (Essex) and MSc Dissertation (Edinburgh)
- Hill, A.J. Analysis, Modeling and Wide-
Area Spatiotemporal Control of Low- Frequency Sound Reproduction. University of Essex. January 2012.
- Hill, A.J. Voice coil temperature in loudspeaker performance: Causes, effects and prevention techniques. University of Edinburgh. August 2008.
Journal papers
- [J9] Hill, A.J.; J. Mulder; J. Burton; M. Kok; M. Lawrence, “Sound level monitoring at live events, Part 3 – Improved tools and procedures.” J. Audio Eng. Soc., vol. 70, no. 1/2, pp. 73-82. January, 2022.
- [J8] Mulder, J.; A.J. Hill; J. Burton; M. Kok; M. Lawrence, “Sound level monitoring at live events, Part 2 – Regulations, practices, and preferences.” J. Audio Eng. Soc., vol. 70, no. 1/2, pp. 62-72. January, 2022.
- [J7] Hill, A.J., Mulder, J., Burton, J., Kok, M., and Lawrence, M.. “Sound Level Monitoring at Live Events, Part 1–Live Dynamic Range.” J. Audio Eng. Soc., vol. 69, no. 11, pp. 782–792. November, 2021.
- [J6] Moore, J.B.; A.J. Hill. Dynamic diffuse signal processing for sound reinforcement and reproduction. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, vol. 66, no. 11. December, 2018.
- [J5] Hill, A.J.; Hawksford, M.O.J.; Newell, P. Enhanced Wide-Area Low-Frequency Sound Reproduction in Cinemas: Effective and Practical Alternatives to Current Calibration Strategies. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, vol. 64, no. 5, pp. 280-298. May, 2016.
- [J4] Piercy, J.J.B.; D.J. Smith; E.A. Codling; A.J. Hill; S.D. Simpson. The good, the bad, and the distant: Soundscape cues for larval fish. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, vol. 875, pp. 829-837. November, 2015.
- [J3] Piercy, J.J.B.; E.A. Codling; A.J. Hill; D.J. Smith; S.D. Simpson. Habitat quality affects sound production and likely distance of detection of coral reefs. Marine Ecology Progress Series, vol. 516: 35-47, 2014.
- [J2] Hill, A.J.; M.O.J. Hawksford. Wide-area psychoacoustic correction for problematic room modes using non-linear bass synthesis. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, vol. 59, no. 11, pp. 825-834. Nov, 2011.
- [J1] Hill, A.J.; M.O.J. Hawksford. Visualization and analysis tools for low frequency propagation in a generalized 3D acoustic space. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, vol. 59, no. 5, pp. 321-337. May, 2011.
Conference papers
- [C52] Mulder, J.; A.J. Hill. “Sound Level Measurement, Monitoring and Management in Small Music Venues: Leq Averaging Time Interval.” 4th International Conference on Acoustics and Sound Reinforcement, Le Mans, France. January, 2024. (in press)
- [C51] Hill, A.J. “Signal decorrelation for sound reinforcement system crossovers.” 4th International Conference on Acoustics and Sound Reinforcement, Le Mans, France. January, 2024. (in press)
- [C50] Hill, A.J.; K. Liston; I. Wiggins; G. Naylor. “A case study on practical live event sound exposure monitoring.” 4th International Conference on Acoustics and Sound Reinforcement, Le Mans, France. January, 2024. (in press)
- [C49] Gilmour, R.; J. Burton; A.J. Hill. “An investigation into the effect of sweat and moisture on the performance of in-ear monitors.” Proc. IOA Conference on Reproduced Sound. Bristol, UK, November, 2023.
- [C48] Gilfillan, D.; G. Leembruggen; A.J. Hill. “The ICOSSA Project – An improved omnidirectional sound source for room acoustic testing.” Proc. IOA Conference on Reproduced Sound. Bristol, UK, November, 2023.
- [C47] Hourani, C.; A.J. Hill. “Towards a subjective quantification of noise annoyance due to outdoor events.” Proc. IOA Conference on Reproduced Sound. Bristol, UK, November, 2023.
- [C46] Szoke, Z.; J. Burton; A. Hill; M. Dring. “The effect of purported acoustically transparent materials on sound propagation.” Proc. IOA Conference on Reproduced Sound. Bristol, UK, November, 2023.
- [C45] Gardner, J.; G. Hance; A.J. Hill. “Inaudibility criteria and alternative methods for controlling music noise levels from late night entertainment.” Proc. IOA Conference on Reproduced Sound. Bristol, UK, November, 2023.
- [C44] Kok, Marcel, Adam Hill, Jon Burton, and Jos Mulder. “The influence of audience participatory noise on sound levels at live events.” In INTER-NOISE and NOISE-CON Congress and Conference Proceedings, vol. 265, no. 6, pp. 1947-1954. Institute of Noise Control Engineering, 2023.
- [C43] Burton, J.; A. Hill. “Using cognitive psychology and neuroscience to better inform sound system design at large musical events.” Proc. IOA Conference on Reproduced Sound. Bristol, UK, November, 2022.
- [C42] Mulder, J.; A. Hill; J. Burton; M. Kok; M. Lawrence; E. Shabalina. Education and Certification in Sound Pressure Level Measurement, Monitoring and Management at Entertainment Events. AES International Conference on Audio Education. July, 2021.
- [C41] Hill, A.J.; J. Burton. A case study on the impact live event sound level regulations have on sound engineering practice. Proc. Institute of Acoustics – Conference on Reproduced Sound (online). November, 2020.
- [C40] Hill, A.J.; J. Mulder; M. Kok; J. Burton; A. Kociper; A. Berrios. A case study on sound level monitoring and management at large-scale music festivals. Proc. Institute of Acoustics – Conference on Reproduced Sound, Bristol, UK. November, 2019.
- [C39] Hill, A.J.; J.B. Moore. Optimizing Wide-Area Sound Reproduction Using a Single Subwoofer with Dynamic Signal Decorrelation. 146th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Dublin, Ireland. March 2019.
- [C38] Hammond, R; P. Mapp; A.J. Hill. Modelling the Effects of Spectator Distribution and Capacity on Speech Intelligibility in a Typical Soccer Stadium. 146th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Dublin, Ireland. March 2019.
- [C37] Hill, A.J.; M.O.J. Hawksford. Live sound loudspeaker array optimization for consistent directional coverage with diffuse radiation characteristics. Proc. Institute of Acoustics – Conference on Reproduced Sound, Bristol, UK. November, 2018.
- [C36] Hammond, R.; A.J. Hill; P. Mapp. Investigation into the relationship between standing audience density and absorption. Proc. Institute of Acoustics – Conference on Reproduced Sound, Bristol, UK. November, 2018.
- [C35] Hammond, R.; A.J. Hill; P. Mapp. On the Accuracy of Audience Implementations in Acoustic Computer Modelling. 145th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, New York, USA. October, 2018.
- [C34] Hill, A.J. Live sound subwoofer system performance quantification. 144th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Milan, Italy. May, 2018.
- [C33] Moore, J.B.; A.J. Hill. Applications of dynamic diffuse signal processing in sound reinforcement and reproduction. Proc. Institute of Acoustics – Conference on Reproduced Sound, Nottingham, UK. November, 2017.
- [C32] Durbridge, S.E.; A.J. Hill. Efficient acoustic modelling of large acoustic spaces using finite difference methods. Proc. Institute of Acoustics – Conference on Reproduced Sound, Nottingham, UK. November, 2017.
- [C31] Moore, J.B.; A.J. Hill. Dynamic diffuse signal processing for low-frequency spatial variance minimization across wide audience areas. 143rd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, New York, USA. October, 2017.
- [C30] Hill, A.J. Practical considerations for subwoofer arrays and clusters in live sound reinforcement. 3rd International Conference on Sound Reinforcement – Open Air Venues, Struer, Denmark. August, 2017.
- [C29] Hammond, R.; P. Mapp; A.J. Hill. Disagreement between STI and STIPA measurements due to high level, discrete reflections. 142nd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Berlin, Germany. May, 2017.
- [C28] Moore, J.B.; A.J. Hill. Optimization of temporally diffuse impulses for decorrelation of multiple discrete loudspeakers. 142nd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Berlin, Germany. May, 2017.
- [C27] Hill, A.J.; J. Paul. The effect of performance stages on subwoofer polar and frequency responses. Proc. Institute of Acoustics – Conference on Reproduced Sound, Southampton, UK. November, 2016.
- [C26] Vilkaitis, A; M. Dring; C. Middlicott; B. Wiggins; A.J. Hill. Room Acoustics and Virtual Reality: An implementation of auralisation and 360 degree image techniques to create virtual representations of spaces. Proc. Institute of Acoustics – Conference on Reproduced Sound, Southampton, UK. November, 2016.
- [C25] Hammond, R.; P. Mapp; A.J. Hill. The Influence of Discrete Arriving Reflections on Perceived Intelligibility and Speech Transmission Index Measurements. 141st Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Los Angeles, USA. October, 2016.
- [C24] Lusted-Kosolwski, C.; J.J.B. Piercy; A.J. Hill. Defining true propagation patterns of underwater noise produced by stationary vessels. Proc. 4th International Conference on the Effects of Noise on Aquatic Life, Dublin, Ireland. July, 2016.
- [C23] Hammond, R.; P. Mapp; A.J. Hill. The influence of discrete arriving reflections on perceived intelligibility and STI measurements. 140th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Paris, France. June, 2016.
- [C22] Durbridge, S.E.; A.J. Hill; J. Taylor. The effects of distortion on the perception of loudness in live sound. Proc. Institute of Acoustics – Conference on Reproduced Sound, UK. November, 2015.
- [C21] Hill, A.J.; M.O.J. Hawksford, P. Newell. Enhanced wide-area low-frequency sound reproduction in cinemas: Effective and practical alternatives to current sub-optimal calibration strategies. 57th International Conf. of the Audio Engineering Society, Hollywood, USA. March 2015. INFOGRAPHIC
- [C20] Hill, A.J.; M.O.J. Hawksford. Subjective evaluation of an emerging theory of low-frequency sound source localization in closed acoustic spaces. Proc. Institute of Acoustics – Conference on reproduced Sound, Birmingham, UK. October, 2014.
- [C19] Hill, A.J.; M.O.J. Hawksford. Low-frequency sound source localization as a function of closed acoustic spaces. Proc. Institute of Acoustics – Conference on Reproduced Sound, Manchester, UK. Nov. 2013.
- [C18] Harrison, J.J.; A.J. Hill. A scientific approach to microphone placement for cymbals in live sound. Proc. Institute of Acoustics – Conference on Reproduced Sound, Manchester, UK. Nov. 2013.
- [C17] Hill, A.J.; M.O.J. Hawksford. On the perceptual advantage of stereo subwoofer systems in live sound reinforcement. 135th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, New York. October, 2013.
- [C16] Hill, A.J.; K. Lane; A.P. Rosenthal; G. Gand. Live event performer tracking for digital console automation using industry-standard wireless microphone systems. 135th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, New York. October, 2013.
- [C15] Hill, A.J. Music to our ears: The effect of background music in higher education learning environments. 135th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, New York. October, 2013.
- [C14] Hill, A.J.; S.P. Lewis; M.O.J. Hawksford. Towards a generalized theory of low-frequency sound source localization. Proc. Institute of Acoustics – Conference on Reproduced Sound, Brighton, UK. Nov, 2012.
- [C13] Hill, A.J.; M.O.J Hawksford. Low-frequency temporal accuracy of small-room sound reproduction. 133rd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, San Francisco, CA, USA. October, 2012.
- [C12] Hill, A.J.; M.O.J. Hawksford. Practical applications of chameleon subwoofer arrays. 132nd Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, Budapest, Hungary. April, 2012.
- [C11] Hill, A.J.; M.O.J. Hawksford. Individualized low-frequency response manipulation for multiple listeners using chameleon subwoofers arrays. Proc. 3rd Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference (CEEC’11), IEEE Xplore, Colchester, UK. July, 2011.
- [C10] Hill, A.J.; M.O.J. Hawksford; A.P. Rosenthal; G. Gand. Kick-Drum signal acquisition, isolation and reinforcement optimization in live sound. 130th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, London, UK. May, 2011.
- [C9] Hill, A.J.; M.O.J. Hawksford. Chameleon subwoofer arrays in live sound. Proc. Institute of Acoustics – Conference on Reproduced Sound, Cardiff, UK. November, 2010.
- [C8] Hill, A.J.; M.O.J. Hawksford. Wide-area psychoacoustic correction for problematic room modes using non-linear bass synthesis. 129th Convention of the Audio Engineering Society, San Francisco, CA, USA. November, 2010.
- [C7] Hill, A.J.; M.O.J. Hawksford. A hybrid virtual bass system for optimized steady-state and transient performance. Proc. 2nd Computer Science and Electronic Engineering Conference (CEEC’10), IEEE Xplore, Colchester, UK. September, 2010.
- [C6] Hill, A.J.; M.O.J. Hawksford. Multi-band low-frequency room correction with chameleon subwoofer arrays. EAA – EUROREGIO 2010, Ljubljana, Slovenia. September, 2010.
- [C5] Hill, A.J.; M.O.J. Hawksford. Chameleon subwoofer arrays – Generalized theory of vectored sources in a closed acoustic space. 128th AES Convention, London, UK. May, 2010.
- [C4] Hill, A.J.; M.O.J. Hawksford, A.P. Rosenthal; G. Gand. Subwoofer positioning, orientation and calibration for large-scale sound reinforcement. 128th AES Convention, London, UK. May, 2010.
- [C3] Hill, A.J.; M.O.J. Hawksford. Seeing through the darkness: Visualizing low frequency behavior in small rooms. Proc. IOA – Reproduced Sound 25, Brighton, UK. November, 2009.
- [C2] Hill, A.J.; M.O.J. Hawksford. Visualization and analysis tools for low frequency propagation in a generalized 3D acoustic space. 127th AES Convention, New York, USA. October, 2009.
- [C1] Green, K.; A. Hill; Y. Morton; M. Miller; J. Campbell. A real-time position, velocity, and physiological monitoring and tracking device for equestrian training. Proc. ION GNSS 2007, Ft. Worth, USA. Sept, 2007.
Articles + Media coverage
- [A14] Hill, A. Conference Report – IOA Reproduced Sound 2020. IOA Acoustics Bulletin, March/April, 2021.
- [A13] Hill, A.; E. Shabalina. Sound exposure and noise pollution at outdoor events. Journal of the Audio Engineering Society, vol. 68, no. 6, pp. 468-470. June, 2020.
- [A12] Hill, A. Conference Report – IOA Reproduced Sound 2019. IOA Acoustics Bulletin, March/April, 2020.
- [A11] Conference Report – 3rd AES International Conference on Sound Reinforcement. October, 2017.
- [A10] Early stagers: Ross Hammond. Lighting and Sound International. November, 2016.
- [A9] Young, K. In Profile: Dr. Adam Hill. Live Sound International & Pro Sound Web, February 2016.
- [A8] Clark, K. Under the dome: Serious reinforcement for multiple acts in a touch environment. Live Sound International & Pro Sound Web. November 2015.
- [A7] Mallaby, A. Derby graduate Simon amplifies success with national audio award. University of Derby News, September 2015.
- [A6] Hill, A.J. Getting the most from your subs. AMI, May 2015.
- [A5] Milligan, P. Increased response in cinema sound. InAVate, May 2015.
- [A4] Kirby, S. You can hear the coral reefs dying. University of Derby News, December 2014.
- [A3] Kirby, S. Rock ‘n’ Research Puts Adam’s Teaching On Sound Footing. University of Derby News, September 2012.
- [A2] Hill, A.J.; M.O.J. Hawksford. Chameleon subwoofer arrays in live sound. Institute of Acoustics, Acoustics Bulletin, vol. 36, no. 3, pp. 32 – 40. May/June, 2011.
- [A1] Hill, A.J. Taking the well-beaten path in alien shoes. IEEE GOLDRush, p10. March 2009.